Still, many of us have been left pining for a “proper” tie-in: a game that manages to balance G.R.R Martin’s deftly-crafted storytelling with meaty video game mechanics. Surprisingly, the closest we’ve come to a decent adaptation is Game of Thrones: Ascent, a menu-driven Facebook app that has since released on mobiles and tablets. Though ambitious, the strategy title fell short of expectations which were once again lowered with the subsequent launch of Cyanide’s critically-panned RPG. French developer Cyanide was the first studio to grapple with Game of Thrones when it released Genesis in 2011. Up until now there have been a few attempts. With Game of Thrones finished after a somewhat… divisive final season, once again we ask ourselves why there’s yet to be a video game adaptation even somewhat comparable to the epic HBO show or Martin’s novels.